Hire Book Illustrator

Joan Coleman

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Professional children's book illustration, editing, layout and publication services for authors by artist & illustrator Joan Coleman.

Fast, friendly, and affordable!

Book Illustration Examples


Click on a thumbnail to view the full-size image.

  • Children's Book Illustration 1
  • Children's Book Illustration 2
  • Children's Book Illustration 3
  • Children's Book Illustration 4
  • Children's Book Illustration 5
  • Children's Book Illustration 6
  • Children's Book Illustration 7
  • Children's Book Illustration 8
  • Children's Book Illustration 9
  • Children's Book Illustration 10
  • Children's Book Illustration 11
  • Children's Book Illustration 12
  • Children's Book Illustration 13
  • Children's Book Illustration 14
  • Children's Book Illustration 15
  • Children's Book Illustration 16

How to Hire a Book Illustrator

Loading... Finding a book illustrator is easier than it sounds. If you are an author searching for an experienced illustrator to hire for your next book illustration project, look no further! Oregon based artist Joan Coleman is a professional freelance illustrator with 10+ years experience who offers professional and affordable book illustration services for authors and publishers. She has illustrated dozens of children's books, storybooks, comics, and more!

Joan and her partner Andrew at Ink Wonderland are also Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) experts who assist writers and authors through every phase of publishing their paperback books or digital eBooks. So not only can you expect to get absolutely adorable book illustrations, but also an entire publishing package for one affordable price!

Learn more about Joan on our Ink Wonderland ABOUT PAGE and read about her experience and background. You can also visit Joan's AMAZON AUTHOR CENTRAL PAGE for examples of her work as a children's book illustrator.

Book Illustration Process

Joan and Ink Wonderland can be hired on a per-project freelance basis or for ongoing illustration and consultation. We can assist during all phases of the book illustration & publishing process, from conceptual planning to delivering the final print-ready copy of your new book to you or your publisher.

Typically, a children's book illustration project with us will follow this outline:

1) We start by communicating with our client to discuss the basic needs of the project, such as the art style, illustration size, and the quantity of illustrations needed.

2) Then Joan will create a sample illustration that will be representative of the book's artwork. Our client will have this opportunity to request any needed changes to the artwork, layout, details, etc. so that everyone is on the same page for the remainder of the project.

3) Next we determine the budget, time-line, and agree upon contractual, royalty, and copyright terms.

4) Then we will create and deliver small batches of "rough" illustrations (minimal coloring and shading), receive our client's feedback, make any required revisions, finalize the artwork, and then move on to the next batch of illustrations. We continue this process until the project is completed.

5) Lastly, we take care of the specialty pages such as the front/back covers, copyright, dedication, etc.

6) We finish by asking for our client's final approval on the illustrations and book layout, assemble and deliver the print-ready book.

Just let Joan Coleman know what your needs and expectations are for your new book project, and we will work with you to help your vision become a reality. Use our CONTACT FORM to get started.